Teema 4. Review of report from by Pekka Himanen to Finnish Parliament named “CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY 2004”
The report itself can be found on this link: https://web.archive.org/web/20170221105053/https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/tietoaeduskunnasta/julkaisut/Documents/tuvje_1+2004.pdf Indeed the Finnish philosopher Pekka Himanen has a quite solid approach to this work and he brought quite wide aspects of society into his review. However i cannot help but notice that his approach lacks one very important aspect - realities and implications of those challenges to real life are left almost unattended. Philosopher writes for politicians, what sense of reality are you waiting for? From which of those two? All right, we are not in 2020, so let's have a look at what has changed since 2004. Himanen list following main global trends that will affect us in the next 20 years. 1. Increasing international tax competition 2. The new global division of labour 3. Population ageing 4. Increasing pressures on the welfare society 5. The second phase of the information society 6. The...